Stomach Disorders

Stomach Disorders

Most people have a problem with their stomach at one time or another. Indigestion and heartburn are common problems. You can relieve some stomach problems with over-the-counter medicines and lifestyle changes, such as avoiding fatty foods or eating more slowly. Other problems like peptic ulcers or GERD require medical attention.

Consult if you have any of the following:

  • Blood when you have a bowel movement
  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Heartburn not relieved by antacids
  • Unintended weight loss
  • Ongoing vomiting or diarrhea

Gastroesophageal reflux disease

Reflux occurs when stomach contents such as food, acid, or bile moves back into your esophagus. When this happens twice a week or more, it’s called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). This chronic condition can cause heartburn and irritate your esophagus lining.


Gastritis is an inflammation of your stomach lining. Acute gastritis may come on suddenly. Chronic gastritis happens slowly.

Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Disease

Symptoms of gluten sensitivity and celiac disease are similar. They include diarrhea, bloating, and abdominal pain. Gluten sensitivity is relatively common. It’s important to consult for a correct diagnosis—don’t try to self-diagnose. Unlike gluten sensitivity, celiac is an autoimmune disease that can damage the small intestine. Eliminating gluten—a protein in wheat, rye, barley and oats—from your diet is the main treatment for both conditions.


Constipation is difficult or infrequent passage of stool. If you have bowel movements less than three times a week, you likely are constipated. A common cause of constipation is not getting enough fiber in your diet. The main symptom of constipation is straining to go. In most cases, increasing fiber, fluids, and exercise will solve this condition.

Peptic ulcer

If the lining of your stomach breaks down you may have a peptic ulcer. Most are located in the first layer of the inner lining. An ulcer that goes all the way through your stomach lining is called a perforation and requires immediate medical attention.

Viral gastroenteritis

Viral gastroenteritis occurs when a virus causes your stomach and intestines to become inflamed. The main symptoms are vomiting and diarrhea. You may also have cramping, headache, and fever.

Most people recover within a few days. Very young children, older adults, and people with other diseases are at increased risk for dehydration. Viral gastroenteritis is spread through close contact or contaminated food or drink.

Diverticular Disease

Diverticular disease includes diverticulosis—small pouches that form in the wall of your colon and diverticulitis and become inflamed. Roughly half of people ages 60 to 80 have this condition. You may feel bloated, constipated, or pain in your lower abdomen. Treatment usually includes changing what you eat. If you have bleeding from your rectum, consult with doctor. You many need antibiotics, a liquid diet, or even surgery to treat diverticulitis.

Hiatal hernia

The hiatus is the gap in the muscle wall that separates your chest from your abdomen. If your stomach slides up into your chest through this gap, you have a hiatal hernia.

If part of your stomach pushes through and stays in your chest next to your esophagus, it’s called a paraesophageal hernia. This less common type of hernia can cut off your stomach’s blood supply.


The gallbladder is an organ attached to your intestine that stores bile—a digestive juice. Bile can form small, hard deposits called gallstones. Some gallstones don’t cause symptoms and go away on their own. Others can cause severe pain or infection. You may also have nausea, vomiting, and fever. Surgery is the usual treatment for gallstones that cause these gallbladder attacks.


Gastroparesis is a condition in which your stomach takes too long to empty.

Stomach cancer

Stomach cancer generally grows slowly over the course of many years. In most cases, it begins in the innermost layer of your stomach lining.

Untreated, stomach cancer can spread to other organs or into your lymph nodes or bloodstream. The earlier stomach cancer is diagnosed and treated, the better the outlook.

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